Legal Indemnity Insurance for Residential & Commercial Properties

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GCS ‘Group’ Account

If these popular FAQs do not provide you with the answers you are searching for, please contact us directly on the details provided to the right of this page, we would be happy to help.

What is the difference between a GCS 'Group Account' and 'Individual Account'?

Our Group Account permits you to add people from your firm/branch to your group. The main difference is that you can add/remove people, view all saved quotes and issued policies by people in the group, receive group statements for all members within the group, and (with permission), issue policies on behalf of other people in your firm/branch.

Our Individual Account allows you to save quotes and issue policies as and when you like. Policies are issued immediately, without the need for referral. You have the option to be added to a group and/or become a Group Account Administrator at a later stage if you wish.

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Setting up a GCS 'Group Account'

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Changing from an 'Individual Account' to a 'Group Account (and vice versa)

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Adding a new user to your group

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Adding an existing user to your group

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Removing a user from your group

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Saving a quote for yourself or on behalf of one of your group members

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Issuing a quote saved by you or on behalf of one of your group members

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Finding policies issued by you and/or your group

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Cancelling a policy

Please get in touch with us directly to discuss cancellations.

Tel: 01435 868050
Fax: 01435 868582
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Group statements

Monthly statements are sent at the beginning of the month and outline any unpaid policies on both yours and your group members’ accounts. 

Monthly group statements are automatically sent to the group administrator, but you can choose to have them sent to a nominated email address, or to both you and the nominated recipient.

 If you are not yet a GCS Online account holder:

During registration, please check ‘Send statement to alternate email address’ and enter the address you would like your statement to be sent to. You can then amend your settings once your account has been approved.

 If you already have a GCS Online account:

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Changing your password

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Updating your details, or the details of a group member

Please get in touch with us directly if you would like to update the details we have for you or a group member.

Tel: 01435 868050
Fax: 01435 868582
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